


      There  is some discrepancy as to what municipality Monteghifro belongs.  Mostly I have seen it referred to as a hamlet of Favale, but there are places on the internet that I have seen it as a municipality of Lorsica.

                                         PROJECT COORDINATOR for MONTEGHIRFO
                                   Nancy Serra Spencer spencergenealogy@comcast.net

     If you have any information about the hamlet, or ancestors that lived in the hamlet of Monteghirfo, please contact Nancy Serra Spencer.

     The following information was taken from the website   http://www.parrocchievalmalvaro.it

     There are legends about the beginnings of Monteghirfo.  S. Bernardo stopped at Monteghirfo during his long journey from Rome.  The building structure of the village is very ancient - possible as old as 1059 AD.  A chapel was built in Monteghifro (date unknown), but it was restored in 1739 and enlarged in 1935.

     In 1837, a decree from Rome gave some of the parishioners of Favale and Verzi to the parish of Monteghifro.  Restorations on the church seemed to be on-going until the completion of the outside and inside restoration in 2007.


Monteghirfo di Lorsica Photo - March 1903
Wedding of Ida GARBARINO and Giovanni Battista GARBARINO
This is the entire town at the time of the photo
Submitted by: Richard GARBARINO and Nancy SPENCER

1  -  Amelia GARBARINO -  Guilio’s sister
3  -  Francesco GARBARINO
4  -  Guissepina GARBARINO - Ernie’s aunt “Zia”
5  -  Anna GARBARINO - Guiseppina’s (#4) sister
6  -  Mary LOMBARI - Ernie’s half-sister
7  -  Ida GARBARINO - Ernie’s mother (my grandmother)
8  -  Giovanni Battista GARBARINO - Ernie’s father - my grandfather
9  -  Carrubu CEREGHINO - grandpa’s uncle
10 - Ceasare GARBARINO
11 - Baraba BRUZZA
12 - Rffaele CORDANO
13 - Zaning   FERRETTI
14 - Giovanini Bertola GARBARINO
15 - Maria GUINASSO
16 - Luigi FERRETTI di Merlo
17 - Signora CEREGHINO - Carrubu’s wife
19 - Giacomo FERRETTI
20 - Emilio SEGALE
21 - Clorinda GARBARINO
22 - Giovanni MAGINI
23 - Giovanna GARBARINO
24 - Franco BRUZZA
25 - Nazzareno GARBARINO
26 - Guilio GARBARINO
27 - Ralph GARBARINO
28 - Luigi GARBARINO
29 - Pician - Joe GARBARINO
30 - Paoling GARBARINO - grandpa’s uncle
31 - _______ GARBARINO - Guilo’s father

Home of Guiditta Garbarino prior to immigrating to US in 1884.
Photo taken by Joe Rafferty in 1981
Monteghirfo houses taken by Joe Rafferty in 1981
da Garbarino in front of her house in Monteghirfo. Taken by Joe Rafferty in 1981 Mary Cordano and Ida Garbarino.
Taken by Joe Rafferty in 1981
Ruins of house of Richard Garbarino's grandmother. Taken by Richard in 2006 A panoramic of Monteghirfo 1959. From book "Il mio Paese" by Padre Celso da Favale - page 32